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Domestic Investigation

What Is A Domestic Investigation?


Domestic investigation is a general term describing investigations that simply have to do with individuals and with personal issues. Currently, domestic investigations make up the bulk of most private investigation work. It's really no wonder as to why this is so. Domestic investigations can help you avoid fraud, theft, and other forms of criminal problems in your own home. This type of investigation can also help you safeguard your family. Private investigators use several techniques in order to find information about criminal history, criminal activity and other things you need to know about an individual living in, or who comes into, your home.  

Unfortunately, statistics bear out that over 90% of all crime victims know their assailant; this this holds true for all crimes, ranging from fraud to assault and even murder. Domestic investigations allow you to investigate those who are closest to you so can best safeguard your family. If you have any suspicions that you may be threatened, do not wait until you become a victim.


First and foremost..... LEAVE AND CALL 911

Once you are out of immediate danger, by acting on your first suspicions, you can prevent a crime before it happens. You can also set your mind at ease about an individual that you are worried about letting in your home or business. Using a Midstate private investigator will ensure that all relevant information is obtained in a legal manner, protecting you and your family. Background checks, database searches, surveillance and personal network interviews may all be conducted to gather information to paint a picture of an individual.... you might be surprised what you learn.

Why Do I Need A Midstate Private Investigator for a Domestic Investigation?


There are several reasons that you should hire a Midstate private investigator to conduct a Domestic Investigation. Here are a few of the most important reasons:

  • To make sure that the information you seek is obtained legally and discreetly.

  • To find all the important information you need.

  • MSI private investigators have experience in uncovering information that individuals do not want known about them.

  • MSI private investigators have access to resources that the public does not have access to, or for which they do not know about.

  • MSI private investigators know what methods to use in specific types of domestic investigations.

  • MSI private investigators maintain the highest degree of confidentiality for the client.

What Types of Domestic Investigation Are Available?


Domestic investigations can take many forms:

  • Domestic Surveillance:  Surveillance can help ensure that you know what is happening in your own home. People are usually on their best behavior when the homeowner is at the residence. Domestic surveillance can give you insight as to what goes on when you are not home. Surveillance can also make sure that everyone who is allowed into your home and your life is trustworthy. Please visit our surveillance page for more information.


  • Domestic Security investigations:  Security surveillance or home surveillance can help you make sure that your home is not targeted by criminals. Security investigations will also make sure that your home is as secure as possible. 


  • Background Checks:  Background checks are a major part of domestic investigator work since they can reveal whether those you trust really deserve your esteem. Extensive checks are done through public and private databases to find out if and what criminal history an individual has. Visit our background checks page for more information.


  • Divorce Investigations:  If you suspect that a spouse is cheating or is trying to avoid responsibilities in divorce proceedings, a divorce investigator can get you the proof you need in court. Private invetsigators can legally discover information that you need for your divorce case.


  • Personal Investigations:  Whoever you need investigated in order for you and your family to stay safe and secure, a Midstate professional investigator can help you.


  • Infidelity Investigations:  If you suspect that your partner is not faithful, private investigators can help you find out for certain. Surveillance, interviews and other methods of investigation are used to confirm or deny infedelity. If you have more questions about infidelity, please visit our infidelity / cheating spouse page.


  • Drug Abuse Investigations:  If a child or partner is using drugs in your home, you could be liable for their criminal activity. Worse, drug abuse can lead to other crimes. A private investigator can confidentially produce evidence of someone in your home using drugs. An investigation can help you find the answers so that you can help your loved ones.


  • Abuse Investigations:  If you suspect that someone in your home is the victim of abuse, a professional investigator can help you find out for sure, so that you can take the steps needed to protect your family. Private investigators are aware of the best techniques to prove that someone is being abused and are sensitive to this delicate matter.

Call Midstate Security and Investigations, LLC for a FREE, no-obligation assessment of your needs.

Florida Agency License No. A16000285, B16000297


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